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111 results found.
60th Diocesan Assembly - 09/09/24

The Diocese of New England held its 60th Diocesan Assembly on October 27-28, 2023. The assembly was held at Holy Transfiguration Church in New Haven, CT. This assembly was crucial and unique in that the clergy and delegates met to review annual reports from various departements as well as decide on the nomination for open position of Bishop of New England.

Engaging the TELOS Project - 08/18/24

On Sunday, September 24, the Holy Trinity community hosted the first TELOS project discussion and workshop.  The TELOS Project helps parishes reimagine young adult ministry in a way that invites young adults to become engaged, energetic, and effective leaders in church communities.

Blessing Bag Event - 01/17/24

On Sunday, May 7, 2023, the Holy Trinity Church School students, along with their students, assembled Blessing Bags, filled with items that were donated by those from the Holy Trinity Community, and supporters of our community as well.

Farewell Reader Tikhon - 07/09/23

Sunday, July 21, 2019, was a bittersweet day at Holy Trinity in Willimantic, Connecticut. After three years of meritorious service, our community bid a fond but sad farewell to Reader Tikhon (Erik T. Wallace, Ph.D.). In May, 2019, Dr Wallace had finished a three-year teaching Fellow in the Mathematics Department at the University of Connecticut. He has accepted a tenured track position at Harbin University in northern China beginning in September.

Congratulations Jon and Merci - 06/11/23

The Holy Trinity community recognized Mr & Mrs Jon (Merci) Matcheson on the occasion of the 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, July 7, 2019. They were united in Holy Matrimony on July 7, 1979.

Welcome Fr Donat Augusta - 06/04/23

On Sunday, October 3, 2021, the Holy Trinity Church community welcomed the return of Very Reverend Donat Augusta to our church for a most significant celebration: the 51st anniversary of his first parish assignment.

The Great Feast of Holy Pentecost - 05/07/23

Holy Trinity celebrated its Patronal Feast day on the Great Feast of Holy Pentecost on Sunday, June 12, 2022. All the festal variables were sung during Diving Liturgy.

Q&A With Michael LaPorte - 05/01/23

Mr. Michael L.P. LaPorte will be received into the saving Orthodox Faith on Sunday, June 5, 2022, by the grace-filled Sacrament of Holy Chrismation.  Read about his discovery of, and journey to Orthodoxy.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon issues statement on war in Ukraine - 05/01/23

I ask that the hostilities be ceased immediately and that President Putin put an end to the military operations. As Orthodox Christians, we condemn violence and aggression.

Lenten Blessing Bag Project - 04/09/23

A Lenten church school project that will have our children assemble blessing bags for the homeless. This effort is being spearheaded by Andrea Dziadul. If anyone is inclined to pick up one of the items in bulk, please let Andrea know, so that others can concentrate on other items. A financial gift to assist would be welcome as well. Please support our church school program' its teachers and students.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon Makes Urgent Financial Appeal for Ukrainian Refugee Relief - 04/23/22

Dear beloved children in the Lord,

It is with profound pain and sorrow that we see the situation unfolding in Ukraine. The invasion of Russian troops has already caused death and destruction in many areas of the country and, as the battle progresses, the human cost continues to rise. It is heartbreaking to see the images of destroyed buildings, homes, and traffic jams as refugees flee the cities for their safety.

Memory Eternal +Viktor Sukharev - 03/05/22

With sadness, yet with hope in the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Trinity Church community announces and mourns the repose on February 5, 2021, of Mr +Viktor Ivanovich Sukharev.

Parish Meeting Notes - 03/21/20

Click on More Information to read the discussion outline and decisions made by the parish body concerning changes and contingency plans in-effect during Fr Marc's upcoming medical treatment

Farewell Sarah - 10/21/19

Sarah Jacobson who graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Connecticut on May 11, 2019, was honored by the Holy Trinity Church community the previous Sunday (May 5). Sarah, whose home is in Arlington, Virginia, faithfully and joyfully attended Holy Trinity during her four years as an undergraduate on the Storrs campus. Even during her final two summers when she lived in off-campus housing, Sarah would find a way to get to Divine Liturgy.

Eulogy for Tom Shakun - 08/10/19

The church teaches that the life we are all called to is a life that is inseparable from God, and unconquered by death. However, in the normal course of human life, we grow old, our bodies decay and begin to fall away from us, and we die.

Preparing the Family for Great Lent - 05/12/19

Great Lent is the path back home to Paradise. Because of their sins, Adam and Eve were cast out of Paradise, but through repentance and fasting, we find our way home: we take the journey to Pascha, when Christ will trample down death by death and break down the gates that closed us out of Paradise. How glorious! We are invited to prepare for that journey right now, and to take it in just a few weeks — the journey home to God. We should be trembling with anticipation and joy at the prospect!

New Roof - 03/02/19

A new roof at HTOC was installed the week before Christmas. The job began Monday and was finished Thursday.

2018 Annual Meeting - 01/06/19

The Holy Trinity community gathered for the annual meeting on after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, February 11, 2018.  Click more information to view the related documents.

Alice's Baptism - 11/03/18

Alice Mara Lesperance, the daughter of Mr & Mrs Brian (Danielle) Lesperance, was received into the Orthodox Church through the Sacraments of Holy Baptism & Holy Chrismation.

Open House at Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Church - 10/07/18

One of our sister parishes, Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Church, in Terryville, CT is hosting and open house on Sunday, September 30, from 2:30 - 4:00PM.  If you have ever been curious about visiting an Orthodox church, or would like to see the wondeful variation between different Orthdox churches, please stop by!  Father John Hopko and the parish commiunity would love for you to say 'Hello!'  Click on More Information to download the event flyer.

Teaching The Divine Liturgy - 10/01/18

Throughout October and November Fr Marc will supplement weekly Divine Liturgy with additional instruction.  He will bring to light many topics ranging from activities that occur behind the altar, which few peoplw have the opportunity to witness up close, to broader topics of faith within the Orthdox tradition.  Click More Information to download the tri-fold document that accompanies the instruction

Voices of Vietnam War - 11/26/17

The Earthtones Vocal Ensemble at the Univ. of Connecticut, directed by Holy Trinity’s Mary Ellen Junda, will be performing Voice of the Vietnam War: Music and Memories, on Saturday, December 2, 2017, at 3:00pm at the von der Mehden Recital Hall.

Thank You, Frs. Halvorsen and Bacon! - 10/08/17

The Holy Trinity Church Community would like to extend its most sincere gratitude to Very Fathers Sergius Halvorsen and John Bacon who served the Divine Liturgy on October 8 & 15 during the absence of Holy Trinity Rector, Father Marc Vranes, who was rehabilitating after recent total right knee replacement surgery and unable to serve.

Richard Keating Chrismation - 10/01/17

The Holy Trinity community celebrated two significant events in November.  First, Richard Keating was Chrismated into the Orthodox Church on November 5.

From Personal Crisis to Orthodox Christian - 09/03/17

Diana L. Chapdelaine, a faithful member since her her first visit to Holy Trinity in July, 2014, has a physical disability which doesn't touch her heart; it doesn't impact her soul.  Diana, who is well read in the Orthodox faith,  has been at every Divine service at Holy Trinity for the past 26 months, always being the first person to arrive at church. She sings in the choir, and we are most blessed to have her with us.  She remains  a wonderful Christian  example to each of us.

Click More Information to read on about Diana's personal journey.

Reaching our Children, Teaching our Children - 07/09/17

Holy Trinity is always trying something new to engage our children with respect to religious education.  This week, Dr. Eric T. Wallace, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Mathematics Department at the University of Connecticut, and a tonsured Reader (Tikhon) in the Orthodox Church, taught a Church School class.

Exciting Times at Holy Trinity - 07/02/17

Although the summer, like all of life, is passing quickly, life at Holy Trinity has been quite active the past several month.

Entering the Catechumenate - 03/12/17

To celebrate the First Sunday of Great Lent on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, Richard Keating was welcomed into the ranks of the catechumenate during Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 5, 2017.

OCF Northeast Regional Retreat - 02/26/17

Northeast Regional Retreat taking place March 3rd - 5th at Hellenic College Holy Cross in Brookline, Massachusetts. The theme is "Breathing Underwater: Yearning for Stillness and Communion" with Father Deacon Michael Tishel. The cost is free, with just the request for the participants to bring money for dinner and a night out in Bosto.  Click More Information to download the flyer.

Church Beautification Continues - 02/05/17

Holy Trinity continues to build on momentum gathered during preparation for the Centennial celebration.  Fr Marc is spearheading an effort to have an entirely new set of icons written by Bulgarian iconographer Cveta Marinova.  Donations are graciously accepted.  Anyone with questions or interested in contributing to the fund may speak directly with Fr Marc, mail donations to the church or use our PayPal site located on the Support Us page.  Click More Information to download the flyer.

Annual Meeting Conducted, Officers Installed - 01/29/17

The Holy Trinity Annual Assembly took place after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 29, 2017. The Parish Council was open and honest, and communicated effectively. Transparency is important to the Council and the community.

Saint Nicholas Visits - 12/11/16

The community at Holy Trinity welcomed St Nicholas for his annual visit on Sunday, December 4, 2016. All the children were very excited to participate in this annual program.

A Year in the Holy Land - 11/06/16

Dr Eric T. Wallace will be making a presentation based on his recently published journal, A Year in the Holy Land, at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, on Sunday, November 13, 2016, at 1:00 in the afternoon

Smaller is Better - 10/16/16

Long-time friend of Holy Trinity, Aaron Friar, publishes a diverse blog called "Like Mendicant Monks…Travelogue of a Family of Friars."  He recently posted a transcript of Fr Marc Vranes' closing remarks delivered at the Holy Trinity Centennial Banquet, October 9, 2017.  Click More Information to be directed to the blog entry.

Cenetnnial Celebration - Official Media Release - 09/18/16

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church will celebrate its 100th Anniversary in Willimantic on Sunday, October 9, 2016. First organized locally in 1916, the small community began meeting in a converted house, then in St. Paul’s Church on Valley Street.

Centennial Celebration Plans Well Underway - 08/14/16

Plans for Holy Trinity's Centennial Celebration have been finalized and our small community works diligently and with love toward making it a memorable occasion.

The Blessings of a Bi-Vocational Priesthood - 08/01/16

With church memberships continuing to decline throughout the Orthodox Church, the viability of a bi-vocational priesthood increases daily. More clergymen are working outside the parish in order to provide for themselves financially, than at any other time.

Prosphora is the Bread of Prayer - 04/03/16

Holy Trinity has a number of wonderful ministries.  These ministries offer our parishioners an opportunity to get involved in the life of the church in many ways.

Hurray! Hurray! Look Who Turned One Today! - 03/20/16

After Divine Liturgy the Holy Trinity community celebrated the one-year birthday of its youngest member - John Michael Fetzko.

Taste and See! - 03/06/16

Have you ever wondered what people outside of Orthodoxy think of a worship service? How about first impressions? Recently Holy Trinity had the unique opportunity of welcoming a number of students from ECSU to experience Divine Liturgy as part of their coursework on Eastern Religions. Read more to learn about the class and their experience as seen through their eyes. Many thanks to the students for attending and allowing us to post their essays.

Well Done, Ziv! - 12/31/15

For over 50 years, Boy Scouts of America have encouraged respective religious denominations having Scout members to develop programs of Faith achievement to underline the Twelfth Point of the Scout Law (Code of Conduct),  "A Scout is Reverent."

George & Xenia OCF Sunday - 11/15/15

Our church was filled with joy on Sunday, November 15, as the Holy Trinity community was honored to celebrate the 68th wedding anniversary of Mr & Mrs George (Zenia) Zlotnick.  Also, in recognition of UCONN OCF Month at Holy Trinity each November, this morning (Nov. 15, 2015) senior Sarah Luft and junior Melanie Sulich made a presentation to the our community detailing their on-campus ministry.

Fall Clean-up - 10/04/15

Students from the University of Connecticut's Orthodox Christian Fellowship held its Annual Fall Clean-up at Holy Trinity on Sunday, October 18.

An Inside Job - 10/04/15

Last weekend faithful parishioners - Bob Dolan, Frank Kaputa and Ziv Kaputa - took on much needed electrical repairs and upgrades. A number of improvement activities are planned in preparation for Holy Trinity to Host the Regional Diocesan Assembly this coming October.

Happy Birthday Sonja - 09/27/15

Members of the Holy Trinity church community, along with several visitors from a neighboring church in Connecticut, came together to celebrate a surprise 78th birthday of our beloved Mrs Sonja Chowanec today. Sonja was born in New Jersey on September 27, 1937.

18th All-American Council Report - 07/19/15

Reader Stephen Bradford attended the 18th All-American Council on July 20-24, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia.  Steven attended as the HTOC delegate and summarized his experience for us.  Click more information to read Steven's report.

Diana's Anniversary - 07/19/15

It was a year ago, July 2014, my mobile phone rang as I was driving to church. I answered, somewhat unusual in itself, but thought it must be a church related call, so I answered, albeit reluctantly.
The voice on the other end was of a woman who had mentioned she would be coming to Divine Liturgy that day. I welcomed her, and said our community would look forward to meeting her.

In Memoriam - Nicholas Kornilieff - 06/18/15

Our dear brother, +Nicholas Kornilieff, 89, reposed in the Lord on Thursday morning, June 18, at 10:20AM. A life-long resident of Norwich, CT, Nick was a United States Navy Military Veteran.

Happy Mother's Day - 05/03/15

Motherhood and apple pie are traditional symbols of wholesome American values, and this Sunday the focus was on motherhood.   Mother’s Day was celebrated at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church with great joy by parishioners and friends.

St Thomas Sunday & Easter Egg Hunt - 04/19/15

Sunday, April 19 was certainly an eventful day for our parish. Not only did the community receive a beautiful icon of St Gregory Palamas on behalf of Bessie Liapes but we also welcomed Katrina Fetzko back after an extended absence while recuperating from having her third child - John Michael Fetzko.

Honoring Bessie Liapes - 04/19/15

Prior to Divine Liturgy on St Thomas Sunday, April 19, 2015, the Holy Trinity community honored Mrs Bessie Liapes for her ongoing support.

HTOC Scout Sunday - 03/01/15

Again this year Holy Trinity observed Scout Sunday among the members who belong to local troops/packs or Nipmuck District BSA. Membership is down this year due to the relocation of two Scout families and the entry of two older Boy Scouts into college.

Bowling Night - 02/01/15

Several members of Holy Trinity met for an evening of fun and bowling at Spare Time Lanes in Vernon, CT.

Surprise, Katrina! - 01/25/15

Mr & Mrs Timothy (Katrina) Fetzko were feted with a surprise baby shower after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 25, 2015. Katrina is due in late March.

Congratulations Barbara Lacey - 01/18/15

Holy Trinity is pleased to announce the publication of Dr Barbara E. Lacey’s newest book, The Illustrated Imprints of Isaiah Thomas.

Barbara's Decorative Quilts - 01/04/15

The quilt work of Barbara E. Lacey now adorns the church hall at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Willimantic, Connecticut.
Dr Lacey had spent the past several months making two quilts for the area behind what we refer to as the Coffee Hour table. The quilts were brought to the church on the First Sunday of Lent, and hung for all to see. The quilts are quite beautiful, the detail and colors so complementary.

Journey of a Catechumen - 01/04/15

The following Q & A was done with Diana Chapdelaine on December 28, 2014. Diana is currently a catechumen who has been attending Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Willimantic, Connecticut, for nearly eight months. She has faithfully fulfilled the number one prerequisite for those who desire to enter into the church: she has attended every Divine Service.

Her attendance has been perfect. Diana will be received into the Orthodox Church through the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation during Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 18, 2015.  Click More Information to learn about Diana's inspirational journey.

Portrait Gallery - 12/07/14

Devoted Holy Trinity parishioner Mr Timothy Fetzko, who also manages our beautiful web site, has developed a growing photography business which specializes in individual and family portraits over the past eighteen months.  Mr Fetzko graciously agreed to take portraits of any church family or parishioner during three appointed Sundays in November and December.

Saint Nicholas Visits Holy Trinity - 12/07/14

Saint Nicholas made his annual visit to Holy Trinity after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 7, 2014, in order to celebrate his Feast Day. To say he was well received by our church’s young children would be an understatement.

Holy Trinity Recognizes its Veterans - 11/16/14

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church has a long history with those who have served in the Armed Forces. Beginning with World War II, and through the Korean War and the Vietnam War, many from Holy Trinity have performed military service, and done so with great honor. Currently, there are four remaining Holy Trinity veterans. Along with a grateful nation, we thank and salute Nick Kornilieff, Helen Sadow, RN, Joseph Hutnik, and George Zlotnick for their service to America.

Sarah's South Africa Trip - 10/05/14

Ms. Sarah Luft, a junior at the University of Connecticut and current President of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship on the UConn campus, gave an inspiring and heart-felt presentation in front of the Holy Trinity community on Sunday, October 5, 2014, in which she spoke of the four months she spent as an exchange student in Cape Town, South Africa.

WAIM Celebrates 30 Years - 08/31/14

Holy Trinity pre-school children teamed up to create a poster to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Windham Area Interfaith Ministry, a Willimantic-based agency which Holy Trinity has supported since 2008. The poster will be displayed at a community picnic WAIM is hosting on Sunday, September 21, from 1-4p.

Holy Trinty at Covenant Soup Kitchen - 08/02/14

Five members of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church worked at the Covenant Soup Kitchen in Willimantic, on Saturday, August 2, 2014.  This marks the second time Holy Trinity has worked at the local charity.

Farewell Vadim - 06/15/14

HTOC bid farewell to Vadim Kurochkin, 16, an Orthodox young man who spent the year abroad, studying at Terryville High School. Vadim lived with an American host family since his arrival in August, 2013. He will return to his home in Kyrgyzstan (central Asia) on June 18. Vadim served weekly in the HTOC altar and developed many wonderful friendships with the Holy Trinity family.

Profiles in Orthodox Parish Revitalization Webinar Replay - 06/10/14

Fr. Marc Vranes was a featured guest presenter during a a webinar that occured on Thursday June 12 concerning small parish revitalization.  The webinar is great success and was filled to capacity.  A replay is now available free-of-charge on the Diocese of Western Pennsylvania's home website.  Click More Information to view the replay in Windows media player.

Farewell Bonnie - 05/25/14

The Holy Trinity community bid a fond farewell to Mrs Bonnie Morrison at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 25, 2014. Bonnie first joined us for worship over three years ago at the suggestion of a friend who lives in Paris, France.

Patrick Dolan Achieves Eagle Scout - 05/10/14

Mr Patrick James Dolan was received into the Eagle Scout Court of Honor on May 10, 2014, in a moving ceremony which culminated more than seven active years in Scouting for Patrick.

Always an outdoorsman at heart, Patrick touched upon the pivotal year for him in Scouting came as a 14-year-old teen in charge of many peers entrusted to his care and direction. He was honored to be such a position of authority, even if it was a bit daunting for him.

2014 Parishioner Survey Results Available - 03/23/14

Responses to the 2014 HTOC Parishioner Survey have been compiled and assembled. The results will be reviewed during our next quarterly Parish meeting scheduled for March 23rd. All are welcome to review the report as we wish to share the insights gained through the survey. We ask that parishioners, who are able, review the report prior to March 23 so that we may discuss the results as a group.  Click More Information to download a copy of the report electronically.

A Personal Reflection - 03/16/14

Ever since joining Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in 1998, I have perceived George as the respected elder in the church, the head of an extended family that holds him in the highest regard, and the chief preserver of the oral history of the church.

12th Souper Bowl of Caring - 02/02/14

For the 12th consecutive year, Holy Trinity participated in the annual Souper Bowl of Caring, an ecumenical movement that draws attention to the poor, the hungry, and those in need. As part of our community's involvement, we annually assemble Gift of the Heart Health Kits in cooperation with International Orthodox Christian Charities and Church World Service.

Whenever a natural disaster strikes, health kits are distributed to those whose lives have been impacted by this tragedy. Good hygiene and cleanliness improves a person's self-esteem and respect. Each health kit contains a toothbrush, bar of soap, nail clippers, comb, six band-aids, a hand towel and wash cloth.

The Friendly Beasts - 12/22/13

In keeping with the theme of the Nativity season, the Holy Trinity children, teens, and young adults performed a play, “The Friendly Beasts”, after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 22, 2013. Those who participated acted out the Nativity account as recorded in the Gospels according to St Matthew and St Luke.

The play was directed by Mrs Bonnie Morrison who also made several of the costumes. The Holy Trinity community is grateful for Bonnie’s continual building up of our community.

Colleen Ritzer Memorial Scholarship - 12/01/13

To Whom it May Concern,
Several weeks ago we lost our dear classmate, roommate and friend ... Colleen Ritzer.  We are all saddened by Colleen's sudden and tragic death, and will forever miss her smile, enthusiasm and friendship.

Please consider donating, in any amount small or large, to the address or website listed in the letter below.  Click More Information to learn how.

November Meeting of the Holy Trinity Book Club - 11/03/13

The Book Club met on Saturday, November 15, 2013 from 9-11 AM in the Church Hall.  Club participants discussed 2 articles presented by Barbara Lacey and Steve Bradford.  Group members noted how today so many social contacts are available to us but many can be impersonal. Yet Christ is the ultimate Word, and should be the focus of any social dialog, especially as we prepare to celebrate his birth in a more and more secularized world. Our ultimate gift to anyone can be our honest witness to Christ Himself, the true focus of the season.

WAIM Annual Walk for Warmth - 11/03/13

The Windham Area Interfaith Ministry’s Annual Walk for Warmth will take place November 24, 2013, and begin with an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at 2:15pm at the First Congregational Church, 199 Valley Street, Willimantic. Proceeds benefit WAIM’s Emergency Energy Assistance Program.

Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop NIKON - 10/13/13

On Sunday, October 20, our parish community will be hosting His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON for his annual Archpastoral visit. Due the recent health concerns, it is actually his first visit with us since September, 2008, when our new iconostas was blessed. 

Bake Sale a Great Success! - 10/01/13

A big “thank you” to all the parishioners and friends who contributed the delicious baked goods, and to the many customers who came and found “something for everyone” at the sale. All our baking was truly home made, not store bought, which definitely impressed our visitors. The lovely autumnal decorations provided the setting, while a snack table with cookies, cider, and coffee enticed folks to stay a while and socialize.

The goals we had set were achieved: a spirit of unity joined together everyone who participated in any way, and our expectations in fundraising were exceeded! Great job! Many, many thanks to all!

October Meeting of the Holy Trinity Book Club - 10/01/13

The book club discussed several articles including “How Are We Saved?” by Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos, and available on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese website. It addresses the time-honored question by comparing the views of Evangelicals to those of Orthodox Christians.  In contrast to a single “born again” event in life, the Orthodox believe a combination of faith and works are needed in the quest for salvation.

Sunday School Commencement - 09/29/13

The Holy Trinity Church School Program for 2013-2014 started Sunday, September 29, with classes meeting again the following Sunday. The schedule is for classes to meet every other Sunday after Divine Liturgy.
Church School Director Reader Stephen Bradford is teaching the teens. The content, using the Orthodox Church in America's Hub curriculum, is a study of the Old & New Testament. Christina Carmon leads the younger group of students; she is assisted by Mila Zadrozny, Kristina Fetzko and Bonnie Morrison using the OCA FOCUS study on the Theotokos.
The church school teaches and students are planning a Christmas Pageant in December.  All students are welcome to participate in the Church School Program. Join us.

The Second Harvest Fall Festival: The Bake Sale - 09/29/13

The Bake Sale will take place on Sat., Oct. 26, from 10AM-2PM. Please bring donations of all sorts of baked goods, wrapped and labeled with ingredients and price, to church on Friday evening (Oct. 25) or early Saturday (26th).  On Saturday, purchase items for your family and friends, or to freeze for the holidays. Stay a while and enjoy tea or cider plus cookie with a friend.  Bring a friend!

Sign-up sheet will be available in church on Oct. 13. Or let us know by that time what you plan to bring by writing to Barbara at or to Dot at  Click More Information to download the flyer.

September Meeting of Holy Trinity Book Club - 09/15/13

The book club offers an opportunity to discuss various aspects of Orthodox tradition and practice with the purpose of growing in our respective Faith journeys. We share articles relating to our beliefs and customs as we try to be faithful followers of Christ. It is open to anyone interested in learning about Orthodoxy and contemporary society. New members are always welcome.

Holy Trinity Patronal Feast Day Celebration - 07/07/13

Holy Trinity celebrated its Patronal Feast Day with a Festal Divine Liturgy (Great Feast of Holy Pentecost), and a picnic for its church school children who received certificates and a small gift in completion of the recently concluded 2012-2013 Church School Year.

The certificates were presented by V. Rev. Marc Vranes, and the gifts by Reader Steven Bradford, the Director of Religious Education for Holy Trinity, who expressed his gratitude to the teachers and parents who made the commitment to make religious education an important part of their children's spiritual development this year.

Join Us For Holy Trinity's Book Club - 07/06/13

The book club offers an opportunity to discuss various aspects of Orthodox tradition and practice with the purpose of growing in our respective Faith journeys. We share articles relating to our beliefs and customs as we try to be faithful followers of Christ. It is open to anyone interested in learning about Orthodoxy and contemporary society. New members are always welcome.

Welcome Natalia - 06/26/13

Natalia Zadrozny, born June 26, 2013, entered into the church for the first time on Sunday, July 21. As anyone can imagine, great joy filled our small church that day.
Everyone wanted to hold Natalia, and all the younger children, especially her brother, Evan, nearly 3 years old, were very excited to see a young baby.
Natalia will be received into the Orthodox Church through the Sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation on Sunday, September 15, 2013, the day of the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Cross.

News Flash - Hello Natalia! - 06/26/13

Natalia Catherine Zadrozny was born to Mila & David Zadrozny on Wednesday, June 26, 2013, at 9:45am at Bristol Hospital. The new-born Natalia weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 19" in length. Mother and baby are fine. Natalia was born within a few hours after Mila was admitted to the hospital.  Fr Marc Vranes read Prayers on the First Day After a Woman has Given Birth to a Child, and Prayer at the Naming of a Child. Mila is grateful for the prayers of the Holy Trinity community during her pregnancy, and for a safe delivery of her baby.  

Natalia joins her brothers Amadeo, 16, and Evan, who turns three years old on August 17, 2013.

Congratulations and Many Years to the Zadrozny Family!

Holy Trinity Welcomes Fr. John Bacon - 06/09/13

Very Revered John Bacon, long-time pastor at the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church, Chelsea, MA, visited Holy Trinity on Sunday, June 9, 2013, and served Divine Liturgy on the Sixth Sunday of Pascha along with host pastor V. Rev. Marc Vranes.

Fr. John is the Outreach Coordinator for the Eastern Orthodox Commission on Scouting, and Scout Chaplain for the Orthodox Church in America.  He and Reader Stephen Bradford are strong supporters of New England Orthodox youth who participate in Scouting.  Fr. John was delighted that so many Scouts and Scout leaders, representing both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts were in attendance this day.

Item of Interest - Sony World Photography Award Winner - 06/02/13

Gali Tibbon is a renowned photojournalist based in Israel.  Recently she has photographed ancient Christians (Orthodox) in Jerusalem, Eastern Europe and Africa.  This year her still images documenting Ethiopian Christian worship earned her highest honors in the travel category of the Sony World Photography competition.

Her work is captivating and compelling.  Please click More Information to be directed to her website.  Of particular interest are galleries titled: "Lalibela - Jerusalem of Africa", "Grabarka - Forest of Thousands Crosses" and "Echoes of Christian Jerusalem".

Lending Library Dedication - 05/19/13

This morning (May 19, 2013) after Divine Liturgy, Ms. Madegan Morrison presented a book shelf she constructed for the Holy Trinity Lending Library, which was previously housed in Baronosky Library downstairs. At the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year, Madegan, 14, a Cadette Girl Scout who will bridge to a Senior Girl Scout on June 10, was challenged with the task of creating a project which uses her skill set and abilities to serve her community, and came up with the idea of the book shelf.

Parish Growth Ministry Seminar - 04/20/13

Very Reverend Jonathan Ivanoff led a Parish Growth Ministry Seminar at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church on Saturday, April 20, 2013, attended by 27 participants from parishes throughout Connecticut. Fr Ivanoff has long been considered a leader in the field of church growth ministry, and his three presentations served to enlighten and uplift.

Pastor at Saint John the Theologian Orthodox Church, Long Island, NY, for the past two decades, Fr Jonathan is the Director of Orthodox Natural Church Development. Since 1998, Fr Jonathan has worked with more than 80 parishes in the field of Parish Growth Development.

Follow Madegan's China Trip - 04/05/13

Holy Trinity Church's Ms Madegan Morrison left on Friday, April 5, 2013, for the Republic of China where she will be studying for two weeks. Madegan, 14, is one of seven students from the Capt. Nathan A. Hale Middle School in Coventry, CT, who has made the historic trip with Educational Tours based in Boston, MA.

Adult Education VII - St. Patrick - 03/17/13

On the Feast Day of St Patrick, Bishop of Armagh, and Enlightener of Ireland (March 17), Holy Trinity parishioner Barbara E. Lacey, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of History at the University of St Joseph, Hartford, Connecticut, delivered an inspiring presentation on the life of St Patrick.

Maslenitsa! - 03/10/13

Holy Trinity held a Community Meal this morning after the celebration of Divine Liturgy. Although 'Maslenitsa', a sort of folk holiday, is typically celebrated on Cheesefare Sunday (March 17), Holy Trinity celebrated Meatfare Sunday (March 10) with a meal of pierogis, kielbasa, and black bread.

Meatfare Sunday signifies the final time before Pascha that meat by-products are eaten by those Orthodox Christians who pariticpate in a strict fast, whereby all meat and eggs products are not consumed.

Scout's Sunday - 02/17/13

Father Marc Asked Reader Stephen Bradford to give a few words on Scouting and its relation to being reverent, as stated in the Scout Law. Stephen spoke about his service as one of the few Eastern Orthodox chaplains in the Northeast United States and how being able to bring people face to face with their own spiritual side is a constant challenge.

Upcoming - Parish Growth Ministry Seminar - 01/27/13

Holy Trinity is pleased to announce that we will be hosting an interactive learning experience hosted by V. Rev. Jonathan Ivanoff on Saturday, April 20th from 9:00am - 3:00pm.  Fr. Ivanoff will lead us in discussion on 3-topics relating to parish growth:

  1. Understanding the Challenges Facing Christianity and Orthodoxy in the 21st Century
  2. Six Common Myths about Church Growth and How to Overcome Them
  3. Parish Life Cycle / Ups & Downs of Parish Growth

Please join us for what surely will be an invigorating and educational day.  Seating is limited so RSVP soon!  Click more information to download the flyer and registration form.

2012 Annual Parish Meeting Reports - 01/20/13

Reports from the 2012 Annual Parish Meeting are now available for public viewing.  To open or download a copy electronically, select one of the following links.

Click:  Parishioner Feedback Survey Report
Click:  Pastor's Report
Click:  Website Report
Click:  Sunday School Report
Click:  Fall Harvest Festival Report

Adult Education: The Life of St. Alexis Toth - 01/13/13

On Sunday, January 13th, Reader Stephen Bradford delivered an inspiring and informative presentation on the life of Saint Alexis Toth.

Click link for:  Historical Outline

Thank You Angie - 01/01/13

Holy Trinity thanks Mrs. Angie Bull for her dedication to nurturing and teaching our children.  Her contribution to establishing and maintaining Sunday School for many, many years has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.

Operation Santa - 12/23/12

Parishioners from Holy Trinity Orthodox Church delivered gifts and gift certificates to a Willimantic family in-need, in cooperation with the Windham Area Interfaith Ministry's "Adopt a Family" Program, which provides families in crisis an opportunity to joyfully celebrate the holidays through the love of a neighbor.  Special thanks to Dot and Nick Sinchuk who continue to lead this wonderful ministry of mercy.

Newtown Memorial - 12/21/12

At 9:30 AM on Friday 21, 2012, Reader Stephen Bradford paid tribute to the children and adults who were tragically taken from us one week earlier, by offering prayers and tolling the church bell twenty-six times.

Farewell Chris Adams - 12/02/12

The Holy Trinity community bid farewell this morning (December 9, 2012) to Chris Adams. Chris will be earning his MSc degree in Actuarial Science from the University of Connecticut in a few weeks. He had previously earned his undergraduate degree from UConn in May, 2011.

Happy Birthday Helen Sadow - 12/02/12

Our parish received another gift when Mrs Helen Sadow was able to be with us. Mrs Sadow celebrated her 92nd birthday. Flowers were presented to Helen by her son, Alfred, on behalf of Holy Trinity. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Helen and enjoyed a cake which was ordered in her honor.

Adult Education Continues - 11/11/12

Mr. Eddie Ryan, a graduate school student at the University of Connecticut, made a presentation on the Apostle Philip on November 11, 2012.

Sol's Turkana Mission Presentation - 11/01/12

UConn student and Holy Trinity member Solomon Yniguez presented the story of his mission to Turkana, Africa during the summer of 2012.

Congratulations Michael Dolan - 10/07/12

University of Connecticut freshman Michael Dolan, from Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Willimantic, received a $1,000 scholarship from the Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut (FORCC).

Parish Picnic - 09/09/12

Members of Holy Trinity bid farewell to summer as together they enjoyed a beautiful, brisk New England day at Patriot's Park on Coventry Lake.

Welcome Back College Students - 09/02/12

Holy Trinity held its annual Welcome Back College Student Sunday this morning. What started as an effort to establish a deeper bond between the University of Connecticut Orthodox Christian Fellowship to Holy Trinity back in 2005, has continued to grow over the past seven years.

Summer Clean-up - 08/05/12

Members of Holy Trinity joined together for a summer outside clean-up.  Bushes, hedges and trees were trimmed all around the church perimeter, the grounds were raked and the front beds were edged.  

The Holy Kardiotissa

Many members of the Holy Trinity made the short pilgrimage to St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in New Britain, CT, this past weekend (September 6-7, 2024) to be in the presence of the Holy Kardiotissa (The Tender Heart) myrrh-flowing, miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary.

Welcome Deacon Timothy Skuby

On Sunday August 18, the Holy Trinity community welcomed Father Deacon Timothy and Matushka Maureen Skuby to serve Obednitsa (Typika) while Fr Marc is away on vacation.

Memorial Day Tradition

Each and every Memorial Day, our nation’s flag at our church cemetery is placed and raised to half-staff at dawn, then raised to full-staff by a Military Honor Guard

Information Regarding COVID-19 - Official Statement and Resources

On Tuesday, March 17, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon released on official statement concerning the COVID-19 outbreak.  Please click on more information to read the statement as well as other resources.  Additionally click:  HTOC Resources for news and information concerning Holy Trinity Church.

Visit Our Testimonials Page

Are you looking for a closer relationship with Our Lord?  Are you searching for a place to worship?  Have you ever thought about visting an Orthodox church?

Please visit our testimonials page to get a glimpse inside the Holy Trinity community, and maybe you'll find the reason you've been searching for.  Stop by and visit!

Category: News
111 results found.
60th Diocesan Assembly - 09/09/24

The Diocese of New England held its 60th Diocesan Assembly on October 27-28, 2023. The assembly was held at Holy Transfiguration Church in New Haven, CT. This assembly was crucial and unique in that the clergy and delegates met to review annual reports from various departements as well as decide on the nomination for open position of Bishop of New England.

Engaging the TELOS Project - 08/18/24

On Sunday, September 24, the Holy Trinity community hosted the first TELOS project discussion and workshop.  The TELOS Project helps parishes reimagine young adult ministry in a way that invites young adults to become engaged, energetic, and effective leaders in church communities.

Blessing Bag Event - 01/17/24

On Sunday, May 7, 2023, the Holy Trinity Church School students, along with their students, assembled Blessing Bags, filled with items that were donated by those from the Holy Trinity Community, and supporters of our community as well.

Farewell Reader Tikhon - 07/09/23

Sunday, July 21, 2019, was a bittersweet day at Holy Trinity in Willimantic, Connecticut. After three years of meritorious service, our community bid a fond but sad farewell to Reader Tikhon (Erik T. Wallace, Ph.D.). In May, 2019, Dr Wallace had finished a three-year teaching Fellow in the Mathematics Department at the University of Connecticut. He has accepted a tenured track position at Harbin University in northern China beginning in September.

Congratulations Jon and Merci - 06/11/23

The Holy Trinity community recognized Mr & Mrs Jon (Merci) Matcheson on the occasion of the 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, July 7, 2019. They were united in Holy Matrimony on July 7, 1979.

Welcome Fr Donat Augusta - 06/04/23

On Sunday, October 3, 2021, the Holy Trinity Church community welcomed the return of Very Reverend Donat Augusta to our church for a most significant celebration: the 51st anniversary of his first parish assignment.

The Great Feast of Holy Pentecost - 05/07/23

Holy Trinity celebrated its Patronal Feast day on the Great Feast of Holy Pentecost on Sunday, June 12, 2022. All the festal variables were sung during Diving Liturgy.

Q&A With Michael LaPorte - 05/01/23

Mr. Michael L.P. LaPorte will be received into the saving Orthodox Faith on Sunday, June 5, 2022, by the grace-filled Sacrament of Holy Chrismation.  Read about his discovery of, and journey to Orthodoxy.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon issues statement on war in Ukraine - 05/01/23

I ask that the hostilities be ceased immediately and that President Putin put an end to the military operations. As Orthodox Christians, we condemn violence and aggression.

Lenten Blessing Bag Project - 04/09/23

A Lenten church school project that will have our children assemble blessing bags for the homeless. This effort is being spearheaded by Andrea Dziadul. If anyone is inclined to pick up one of the items in bulk, please let Andrea know, so that others can concentrate on other items. A financial gift to assist would be welcome as well. Please support our church school program' its teachers and students.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon Makes Urgent Financial Appeal for Ukrainian Refugee Relief - 04/23/22

Dear beloved children in the Lord,

It is with profound pain and sorrow that we see the situation unfolding in Ukraine. The invasion of Russian troops has already caused death and destruction in many areas of the country and, as the battle progresses, the human cost continues to rise. It is heartbreaking to see the images of destroyed buildings, homes, and traffic jams as refugees flee the cities for their safety.

Memory Eternal +Viktor Sukharev - 03/05/22

With sadness, yet with hope in the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Trinity Church community announces and mourns the repose on February 5, 2021, of Mr +Viktor Ivanovich Sukharev.

Parish Meeting Notes - 03/21/20

Click on More Information to read the discussion outline and decisions made by the parish body concerning changes and contingency plans in-effect during Fr Marc's upcoming medical treatment

Farewell Sarah - 10/21/19

Sarah Jacobson who graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Connecticut on May 11, 2019, was honored by the Holy Trinity Church community the previous Sunday (May 5). Sarah, whose home is in Arlington, Virginia, faithfully and joyfully attended Holy Trinity during her four years as an undergraduate on the Storrs campus. Even during her final two summers when she lived in off-campus housing, Sarah would find a way to get to Divine Liturgy.

Eulogy for Tom Shakun - 08/10/19

The church teaches that the life we are all called to is a life that is inseparable from God, and unconquered by death. However, in the normal course of human life, we grow old, our bodies decay and begin to fall away from us, and we die.

Preparing the Family for Great Lent - 05/12/19

Great Lent is the path back home to Paradise. Because of their sins, Adam and Eve were cast out of Paradise, but through repentance and fasting, we find our way home: we take the journey to Pascha, when Christ will trample down death by death and break down the gates that closed us out of Paradise. How glorious! We are invited to prepare for that journey right now, and to take it in just a few weeks — the journey home to God. We should be trembling with anticipation and joy at the prospect!

New Roof - 03/02/19

A new roof at HTOC was installed the week before Christmas. The job began Monday and was finished Thursday.

2018 Annual Meeting - 01/06/19

The Holy Trinity community gathered for the annual meeting on after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, February 11, 2018.  Click more information to view the related documents.

Alice's Baptism - 11/03/18

Alice Mara Lesperance, the daughter of Mr & Mrs Brian (Danielle) Lesperance, was received into the Orthodox Church through the Sacraments of Holy Baptism & Holy Chrismation.

Open House at Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Church - 10/07/18

One of our sister parishes, Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Church, in Terryville, CT is hosting and open house on Sunday, September 30, from 2:30 - 4:00PM.  If you have ever been curious about visiting an Orthodox church, or would like to see the wondeful variation between different Orthdox churches, please stop by!  Father John Hopko and the parish commiunity would love for you to say 'Hello!'  Click on More Information to download the event flyer.

Teaching The Divine Liturgy - 10/01/18

Throughout October and November Fr Marc will supplement weekly Divine Liturgy with additional instruction.  He will bring to light many topics ranging from activities that occur behind the altar, which few peoplw have the opportunity to witness up close, to broader topics of faith within the Orthdox tradition.  Click More Information to download the tri-fold document that accompanies the instruction

Voices of Vietnam War - 11/26/17

The Earthtones Vocal Ensemble at the Univ. of Connecticut, directed by Holy Trinity’s Mary Ellen Junda, will be performing Voice of the Vietnam War: Music and Memories, on Saturday, December 2, 2017, at 3:00pm at the von der Mehden Recital Hall.

Thank You, Frs. Halvorsen and Bacon! - 10/08/17

The Holy Trinity Church Community would like to extend its most sincere gratitude to Very Fathers Sergius Halvorsen and John Bacon who served the Divine Liturgy on October 8 & 15 during the absence of Holy Trinity Rector, Father Marc Vranes, who was rehabilitating after recent total right knee replacement surgery and unable to serve.

Richard Keating Chrismation - 10/01/17

The Holy Trinity community celebrated two significant events in November.  First, Richard Keating was Chrismated into the Orthodox Church on November 5.

From Personal Crisis to Orthodox Christian - 09/03/17

Diana L. Chapdelaine, a faithful member since her her first visit to Holy Trinity in July, 2014, has a physical disability which doesn't touch her heart; it doesn't impact her soul.  Diana, who is well read in the Orthodox faith,  has been at every Divine service at Holy Trinity for the past 26 months, always being the first person to arrive at church. She sings in the choir, and we are most blessed to have her with us.  She remains  a wonderful Christian  example to each of us.

Click More Information to read on about Diana's personal journey.

Reaching our Children, Teaching our Children - 07/09/17

Holy Trinity is always trying something new to engage our children with respect to religious education.  This week, Dr. Eric T. Wallace, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Mathematics Department at the University of Connecticut, and a tonsured Reader (Tikhon) in the Orthodox Church, taught a Church School class.

Exciting Times at Holy Trinity - 07/02/17

Although the summer, like all of life, is passing quickly, life at Holy Trinity has been quite active the past several month.

Entering the Catechumenate - 03/12/17

To celebrate the First Sunday of Great Lent on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, Richard Keating was welcomed into the ranks of the catechumenate during Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 5, 2017.

OCF Northeast Regional Retreat - 02/26/17

Northeast Regional Retreat taking place March 3rd - 5th at Hellenic College Holy Cross in Brookline, Massachusetts. The theme is "Breathing Underwater: Yearning for Stillness and Communion" with Father Deacon Michael Tishel. The cost is free, with just the request for the participants to bring money for dinner and a night out in Bosto.  Click More Information to download the flyer.

Church Beautification Continues - 02/05/17

Holy Trinity continues to build on momentum gathered during preparation for the Centennial celebration.  Fr Marc is spearheading an effort to have an entirely new set of icons written by Bulgarian iconographer Cveta Marinova.  Donations are graciously accepted.  Anyone with questions or interested in contributing to the fund may speak directly with Fr Marc, mail donations to the church or use our PayPal site located on the Support Us page.  Click More Information to download the flyer.

Annual Meeting Conducted, Officers Installed - 01/29/17

The Holy Trinity Annual Assembly took place after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 29, 2017. The Parish Council was open and honest, and communicated effectively. Transparency is important to the Council and the community.

Saint Nicholas Visits - 12/11/16

The community at Holy Trinity welcomed St Nicholas for his annual visit on Sunday, December 4, 2016. All the children were very excited to participate in this annual program.

A Year in the Holy Land - 11/06/16

Dr Eric T. Wallace will be making a presentation based on his recently published journal, A Year in the Holy Land, at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, on Sunday, November 13, 2016, at 1:00 in the afternoon

Smaller is Better - 10/16/16

Long-time friend of Holy Trinity, Aaron Friar, publishes a diverse blog called "Like Mendicant Monks…Travelogue of a Family of Friars."  He recently posted a transcript of Fr Marc Vranes' closing remarks delivered at the Holy Trinity Centennial Banquet, October 9, 2017.  Click More Information to be directed to the blog entry.

Cenetnnial Celebration - Official Media Release - 09/18/16

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church will celebrate its 100th Anniversary in Willimantic on Sunday, October 9, 2016. First organized locally in 1916, the small community began meeting in a converted house, then in St. Paul’s Church on Valley Street.

Centennial Celebration Plans Well Underway - 08/14/16

Plans for Holy Trinity's Centennial Celebration have been finalized and our small community works diligently and with love toward making it a memorable occasion.

The Blessings of a Bi-Vocational Priesthood - 08/01/16

With church memberships continuing to decline throughout the Orthodox Church, the viability of a bi-vocational priesthood increases daily. More clergymen are working outside the parish in order to provide for themselves financially, than at any other time.

Prosphora is the Bread of Prayer - 04/03/16

Holy Trinity has a number of wonderful ministries.  These ministries offer our parishioners an opportunity to get involved in the life of the church in many ways.

Hurray! Hurray! Look Who Turned One Today! - 03/20/16

After Divine Liturgy the Holy Trinity community celebrated the one-year birthday of its youngest member - John Michael Fetzko.

Taste and See! - 03/06/16

Have you ever wondered what people outside of Orthodoxy think of a worship service? How about first impressions? Recently Holy Trinity had the unique opportunity of welcoming a number of students from ECSU to experience Divine Liturgy as part of their coursework on Eastern Religions. Read more to learn about the class and their experience as seen through their eyes. Many thanks to the students for attending and allowing us to post their essays.

Well Done, Ziv! - 12/31/15

For over 50 years, Boy Scouts of America have encouraged respective religious denominations having Scout members to develop programs of Faith achievement to underline the Twelfth Point of the Scout Law (Code of Conduct),  "A Scout is Reverent."

George & Xenia OCF Sunday - 11/15/15

Our church was filled with joy on Sunday, November 15, as the Holy Trinity community was honored to celebrate the 68th wedding anniversary of Mr & Mrs George (Zenia) Zlotnick.  Also, in recognition of UCONN OCF Month at Holy Trinity each November, this morning (Nov. 15, 2015) senior Sarah Luft and junior Melanie Sulich made a presentation to the our community detailing their on-campus ministry.

Fall Clean-up - 10/04/15

Students from the University of Connecticut's Orthodox Christian Fellowship held its Annual Fall Clean-up at Holy Trinity on Sunday, October 18.

An Inside Job - 10/04/15

Last weekend faithful parishioners - Bob Dolan, Frank Kaputa and Ziv Kaputa - took on much needed electrical repairs and upgrades. A number of improvement activities are planned in preparation for Holy Trinity to Host the Regional Diocesan Assembly this coming October.

Happy Birthday Sonja - 09/27/15

Members of the Holy Trinity church community, along with several visitors from a neighboring church in Connecticut, came together to celebrate a surprise 78th birthday of our beloved Mrs Sonja Chowanec today. Sonja was born in New Jersey on September 27, 1937.

18th All-American Council Report - 07/19/15

Reader Stephen Bradford attended the 18th All-American Council on July 20-24, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia.  Steven attended as the HTOC delegate and summarized his experience for us.  Click more information to read Steven's report.

Diana's Anniversary - 07/19/15

It was a year ago, July 2014, my mobile phone rang as I was driving to church. I answered, somewhat unusual in itself, but thought it must be a church related call, so I answered, albeit reluctantly.
The voice on the other end was of a woman who had mentioned she would be coming to Divine Liturgy that day. I welcomed her, and said our community would look forward to meeting her.

In Memoriam - Nicholas Kornilieff - 06/18/15

Our dear brother, +Nicholas Kornilieff, 89, reposed in the Lord on Thursday morning, June 18, at 10:20AM. A life-long resident of Norwich, CT, Nick was a United States Navy Military Veteran.

Happy Mother's Day - 05/03/15

Motherhood and apple pie are traditional symbols of wholesome American values, and this Sunday the focus was on motherhood.   Mother’s Day was celebrated at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church with great joy by parishioners and friends.

St Thomas Sunday & Easter Egg Hunt - 04/19/15

Sunday, April 19 was certainly an eventful day for our parish. Not only did the community receive a beautiful icon of St Gregory Palamas on behalf of Bessie Liapes but we also welcomed Katrina Fetzko back after an extended absence while recuperating from having her third child - John Michael Fetzko.

Honoring Bessie Liapes - 04/19/15

Prior to Divine Liturgy on St Thomas Sunday, April 19, 2015, the Holy Trinity community honored Mrs Bessie Liapes for her ongoing support.

HTOC Scout Sunday - 03/01/15

Again this year Holy Trinity observed Scout Sunday among the members who belong to local troops/packs or Nipmuck District BSA. Membership is down this year due to the relocation of two Scout families and the entry of two older Boy Scouts into college.

Bowling Night - 02/01/15

Several members of Holy Trinity met for an evening of fun and bowling at Spare Time Lanes in Vernon, CT.

Surprise, Katrina! - 01/25/15

Mr & Mrs Timothy (Katrina) Fetzko were feted with a surprise baby shower after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 25, 2015. Katrina is due in late March.

Congratulations Barbara Lacey - 01/18/15

Holy Trinity is pleased to announce the publication of Dr Barbara E. Lacey’s newest book, The Illustrated Imprints of Isaiah Thomas.

Barbara's Decorative Quilts - 01/04/15

The quilt work of Barbara E. Lacey now adorns the church hall at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Willimantic, Connecticut.
Dr Lacey had spent the past several months making two quilts for the area behind what we refer to as the Coffee Hour table. The quilts were brought to the church on the First Sunday of Lent, and hung for all to see. The quilts are quite beautiful, the detail and colors so complementary.

Journey of a Catechumen - 01/04/15

The following Q & A was done with Diana Chapdelaine on December 28, 2014. Diana is currently a catechumen who has been attending Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Willimantic, Connecticut, for nearly eight months. She has faithfully fulfilled the number one prerequisite for those who desire to enter into the church: she has attended every Divine Service.

Her attendance has been perfect. Diana will be received into the Orthodox Church through the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation during Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 18, 2015.  Click More Information to learn about Diana's inspirational journey.

Portrait Gallery - 12/07/14

Devoted Holy Trinity parishioner Mr Timothy Fetzko, who also manages our beautiful web site, has developed a growing photography business which specializes in individual and family portraits over the past eighteen months.  Mr Fetzko graciously agreed to take portraits of any church family or parishioner during three appointed Sundays in November and December.

Saint Nicholas Visits Holy Trinity - 12/07/14

Saint Nicholas made his annual visit to Holy Trinity after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 7, 2014, in order to celebrate his Feast Day. To say he was well received by our church’s young children would be an understatement.

Holy Trinity Recognizes its Veterans - 11/16/14

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church has a long history with those who have served in the Armed Forces. Beginning with World War II, and through the Korean War and the Vietnam War, many from Holy Trinity have performed military service, and done so with great honor. Currently, there are four remaining Holy Trinity veterans. Along with a grateful nation, we thank and salute Nick Kornilieff, Helen Sadow, RN, Joseph Hutnik, and George Zlotnick for their service to America.

Sarah's South Africa Trip - 10/05/14

Ms. Sarah Luft, a junior at the University of Connecticut and current President of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship on the UConn campus, gave an inspiring and heart-felt presentation in front of the Holy Trinity community on Sunday, October 5, 2014, in which she spoke of the four months she spent as an exchange student in Cape Town, South Africa.

WAIM Celebrates 30 Years - 08/31/14

Holy Trinity pre-school children teamed up to create a poster to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Windham Area Interfaith Ministry, a Willimantic-based agency which Holy Trinity has supported since 2008. The poster will be displayed at a community picnic WAIM is hosting on Sunday, September 21, from 1-4p.

Holy Trinty at Covenant Soup Kitchen - 08/02/14

Five members of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church worked at the Covenant Soup Kitchen in Willimantic, on Saturday, August 2, 2014.  This marks the second time Holy Trinity has worked at the local charity.

Farewell Vadim - 06/15/14

HTOC bid farewell to Vadim Kurochkin, 16, an Orthodox young man who spent the year abroad, studying at Terryville High School. Vadim lived with an American host family since his arrival in August, 2013. He will return to his home in Kyrgyzstan (central Asia) on June 18. Vadim served weekly in the HTOC altar and developed many wonderful friendships with the Holy Trinity family.

Profiles in Orthodox Parish Revitalization Webinar Replay - 06/10/14

Fr. Marc Vranes was a featured guest presenter during a a webinar that occured on Thursday June 12 concerning small parish revitalization.  The webinar is great success and was filled to capacity.  A replay is now available free-of-charge on the Diocese of Western Pennsylvania's home website.  Click More Information to view the replay in Windows media player.

Farewell Bonnie - 05/25/14

The Holy Trinity community bid a fond farewell to Mrs Bonnie Morrison at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 25, 2014. Bonnie first joined us for worship over three years ago at the suggestion of a friend who lives in Paris, France.

Patrick Dolan Achieves Eagle Scout - 05/10/14

Mr Patrick James Dolan was received into the Eagle Scout Court of Honor on May 10, 2014, in a moving ceremony which culminated more than seven active years in Scouting for Patrick.

Always an outdoorsman at heart, Patrick touched upon the pivotal year for him in Scouting came as a 14-year-old teen in charge of many peers entrusted to his care and direction. He was honored to be such a position of authority, even if it was a bit daunting for him.

2014 Parishioner Survey Results Available - 03/23/14

Responses to the 2014 HTOC Parishioner Survey have been compiled and assembled. The results will be reviewed during our next quarterly Parish meeting scheduled for March 23rd. All are welcome to review the report as we wish to share the insights gained through the survey. We ask that parishioners, who are able, review the report prior to March 23 so that we may discuss the results as a group.  Click More Information to download a copy of the report electronically.

A Personal Reflection - 03/16/14

Ever since joining Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in 1998, I have perceived George as the respected elder in the church, the head of an extended family that holds him in the highest regard, and the chief preserver of the oral history of the church.

12th Souper Bowl of Caring - 02/02/14

For the 12th consecutive year, Holy Trinity participated in the annual Souper Bowl of Caring, an ecumenical movement that draws attention to the poor, the hungry, and those in need. As part of our community's involvement, we annually assemble Gift of the Heart Health Kits in cooperation with International Orthodox Christian Charities and Church World Service.

Whenever a natural disaster strikes, health kits are distributed to those whose lives have been impacted by this tragedy. Good hygiene and cleanliness improves a person's self-esteem and respect. Each health kit contains a toothbrush, bar of soap, nail clippers, comb, six band-aids, a hand towel and wash cloth.

The Friendly Beasts - 12/22/13

In keeping with the theme of the Nativity season, the Holy Trinity children, teens, and young adults performed a play, “The Friendly Beasts”, after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 22, 2013. Those who participated acted out the Nativity account as recorded in the Gospels according to St Matthew and St Luke.

The play was directed by Mrs Bonnie Morrison who also made several of the costumes. The Holy Trinity community is grateful for Bonnie’s continual building up of our community.

Colleen Ritzer Memorial Scholarship - 12/01/13

To Whom it May Concern,
Several weeks ago we lost our dear classmate, roommate and friend ... Colleen Ritzer.  We are all saddened by Colleen's sudden and tragic death, and will forever miss her smile, enthusiasm and friendship.

Please consider donating, in any amount small or large, to the address or website listed in the letter below.  Click More Information to learn how.

November Meeting of the Holy Trinity Book Club - 11/03/13

The Book Club met on Saturday, November 15, 2013 from 9-11 AM in the Church Hall.  Club participants discussed 2 articles presented by Barbara Lacey and Steve Bradford.  Group members noted how today so many social contacts are available to us but many can be impersonal. Yet Christ is the ultimate Word, and should be the focus of any social dialog, especially as we prepare to celebrate his birth in a more and more secularized world. Our ultimate gift to anyone can be our honest witness to Christ Himself, the true focus of the season.

WAIM Annual Walk for Warmth - 11/03/13

The Windham Area Interfaith Ministry’s Annual Walk for Warmth will take place November 24, 2013, and begin with an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at 2:15pm at the First Congregational Church, 199 Valley Street, Willimantic. Proceeds benefit WAIM’s Emergency Energy Assistance Program.

Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop NIKON - 10/13/13

On Sunday, October 20, our parish community will be hosting His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON for his annual Archpastoral visit. Due the recent health concerns, it is actually his first visit with us since September, 2008, when our new iconostas was blessed. 

Bake Sale a Great Success! - 10/01/13

A big “thank you” to all the parishioners and friends who contributed the delicious baked goods, and to the many customers who came and found “something for everyone” at the sale. All our baking was truly home made, not store bought, which definitely impressed our visitors. The lovely autumnal decorations provided the setting, while a snack table with cookies, cider, and coffee enticed folks to stay a while and socialize.

The goals we had set were achieved: a spirit of unity joined together everyone who participated in any way, and our expectations in fundraising were exceeded! Great job! Many, many thanks to all!

October Meeting of the Holy Trinity Book Club - 10/01/13

The book club discussed several articles including “How Are We Saved?” by Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos, and available on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese website. It addresses the time-honored question by comparing the views of Evangelicals to those of Orthodox Christians.  In contrast to a single “born again” event in life, the Orthodox believe a combination of faith and works are needed in the quest for salvation.

Sunday School Commencement - 09/29/13

The Holy Trinity Church School Program for 2013-2014 started Sunday, September 29, with classes meeting again the following Sunday. The schedule is for classes to meet every other Sunday after Divine Liturgy.
Church School Director Reader Stephen Bradford is teaching the teens. The content, using the Orthodox Church in America's Hub curriculum, is a study of the Old & New Testament. Christina Carmon leads the younger group of students; she is assisted by Mila Zadrozny, Kristina Fetzko and Bonnie Morrison using the OCA FOCUS study on the Theotokos.
The church school teaches and students are planning a Christmas Pageant in December.  All students are welcome to participate in the Church School Program. Join us.

The Second Harvest Fall Festival: The Bake Sale - 09/29/13

The Bake Sale will take place on Sat., Oct. 26, from 10AM-2PM. Please bring donations of all sorts of baked goods, wrapped and labeled with ingredients and price, to church on Friday evening (Oct. 25) or early Saturday (26th).  On Saturday, purchase items for your family and friends, or to freeze for the holidays. Stay a while and enjoy tea or cider plus cookie with a friend.  Bring a friend!

Sign-up sheet will be available in church on Oct. 13. Or let us know by that time what you plan to bring by writing to Barbara at or to Dot at  Click More Information to download the flyer.

September Meeting of Holy Trinity Book Club - 09/15/13

The book club offers an opportunity to discuss various aspects of Orthodox tradition and practice with the purpose of growing in our respective Faith journeys. We share articles relating to our beliefs and customs as we try to be faithful followers of Christ. It is open to anyone interested in learning about Orthodoxy and contemporary society. New members are always welcome.

Holy Trinity Patronal Feast Day Celebration - 07/07/13

Holy Trinity celebrated its Patronal Feast Day with a Festal Divine Liturgy (Great Feast of Holy Pentecost), and a picnic for its church school children who received certificates and a small gift in completion of the recently concluded 2012-2013 Church School Year.

The certificates were presented by V. Rev. Marc Vranes, and the gifts by Reader Steven Bradford, the Director of Religious Education for Holy Trinity, who expressed his gratitude to the teachers and parents who made the commitment to make religious education an important part of their children's spiritual development this year.

Join Us For Holy Trinity's Book Club - 07/06/13

The book club offers an opportunity to discuss various aspects of Orthodox tradition and practice with the purpose of growing in our respective Faith journeys. We share articles relating to our beliefs and customs as we try to be faithful followers of Christ. It is open to anyone interested in learning about Orthodoxy and contemporary society. New members are always welcome.

Welcome Natalia - 06/26/13

Natalia Zadrozny, born June 26, 2013, entered into the church for the first time on Sunday, July 21. As anyone can imagine, great joy filled our small church that day.
Everyone wanted to hold Natalia, and all the younger children, especially her brother, Evan, nearly 3 years old, were very excited to see a young baby.
Natalia will be received into the Orthodox Church through the Sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation on Sunday, September 15, 2013, the day of the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Cross.

News Flash - Hello Natalia! - 06/26/13

Natalia Catherine Zadrozny was born to Mila & David Zadrozny on Wednesday, June 26, 2013, at 9:45am at Bristol Hospital. The new-born Natalia weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 19" in length. Mother and baby are fine. Natalia was born within a few hours after Mila was admitted to the hospital.  Fr Marc Vranes read Prayers on the First Day After a Woman has Given Birth to a Child, and Prayer at the Naming of a Child. Mila is grateful for the prayers of the Holy Trinity community during her pregnancy, and for a safe delivery of her baby.  

Natalia joins her brothers Amadeo, 16, and Evan, who turns three years old on August 17, 2013.

Congratulations and Many Years to the Zadrozny Family!

Holy Trinity Welcomes Fr. John Bacon - 06/09/13

Very Revered John Bacon, long-time pastor at the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church, Chelsea, MA, visited Holy Trinity on Sunday, June 9, 2013, and served Divine Liturgy on the Sixth Sunday of Pascha along with host pastor V. Rev. Marc Vranes.

Fr. John is the Outreach Coordinator for the Eastern Orthodox Commission on Scouting, and Scout Chaplain for the Orthodox Church in America.  He and Reader Stephen Bradford are strong supporters of New England Orthodox youth who participate in Scouting.  Fr. John was delighted that so many Scouts and Scout leaders, representing both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts were in attendance this day.

Item of Interest - Sony World Photography Award Winner - 06/02/13

Gali Tibbon is a renowned photojournalist based in Israel.  Recently she has photographed ancient Christians (Orthodox) in Jerusalem, Eastern Europe and Africa.  This year her still images documenting Ethiopian Christian worship earned her highest honors in the travel category of the Sony World Photography competition.

Her work is captivating and compelling.  Please click More Information to be directed to her website.  Of particular interest are galleries titled: "Lalibela - Jerusalem of Africa", "Grabarka - Forest of Thousands Crosses" and "Echoes of Christian Jerusalem".

Lending Library Dedication - 05/19/13

This morning (May 19, 2013) after Divine Liturgy, Ms. Madegan Morrison presented a book shelf she constructed for the Holy Trinity Lending Library, which was previously housed in Baronosky Library downstairs. At the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year, Madegan, 14, a Cadette Girl Scout who will bridge to a Senior Girl Scout on June 10, was challenged with the task of creating a project which uses her skill set and abilities to serve her community, and came up with the idea of the book shelf.

Parish Growth Ministry Seminar - 04/20/13

Very Reverend Jonathan Ivanoff led a Parish Growth Ministry Seminar at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church on Saturday, April 20, 2013, attended by 27 participants from parishes throughout Connecticut. Fr Ivanoff has long been considered a leader in the field of church growth ministry, and his three presentations served to enlighten and uplift.

Pastor at Saint John the Theologian Orthodox Church, Long Island, NY, for the past two decades, Fr Jonathan is the Director of Orthodox Natural Church Development. Since 1998, Fr Jonathan has worked with more than 80 parishes in the field of Parish Growth Development.

Follow Madegan's China Trip - 04/05/13

Holy Trinity Church's Ms Madegan Morrison left on Friday, April 5, 2013, for the Republic of China where she will be studying for two weeks. Madegan, 14, is one of seven students from the Capt. Nathan A. Hale Middle School in Coventry, CT, who has made the historic trip with Educational Tours based in Boston, MA.

Adult Education VII - St. Patrick - 03/17/13

On the Feast Day of St Patrick, Bishop of Armagh, and Enlightener of Ireland (March 17), Holy Trinity parishioner Barbara E. Lacey, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of History at the University of St Joseph, Hartford, Connecticut, delivered an inspiring presentation on the life of St Patrick.

Maslenitsa! - 03/10/13

Holy Trinity held a Community Meal this morning after the celebration of Divine Liturgy. Although 'Maslenitsa', a sort of folk holiday, is typically celebrated on Cheesefare Sunday (March 17), Holy Trinity celebrated Meatfare Sunday (March 10) with a meal of pierogis, kielbasa, and black bread.

Meatfare Sunday signifies the final time before Pascha that meat by-products are eaten by those Orthodox Christians who pariticpate in a strict fast, whereby all meat and eggs products are not consumed.

Scout's Sunday - 02/17/13

Father Marc Asked Reader Stephen Bradford to give a few words on Scouting and its relation to being reverent, as stated in the Scout Law. Stephen spoke about his service as one of the few Eastern Orthodox chaplains in the Northeast United States and how being able to bring people face to face with their own spiritual side is a constant challenge.

Upcoming - Parish Growth Ministry Seminar - 01/27/13

Holy Trinity is pleased to announce that we will be hosting an interactive learning experience hosted by V. Rev. Jonathan Ivanoff on Saturday, April 20th from 9:00am - 3:00pm.  Fr. Ivanoff will lead us in discussion on 3-topics relating to parish growth:

  1. Understanding the Challenges Facing Christianity and Orthodoxy in the 21st Century
  2. Six Common Myths about Church Growth and How to Overcome Them
  3. Parish Life Cycle / Ups & Downs of Parish Growth

Please join us for what surely will be an invigorating and educational day.  Seating is limited so RSVP soon!  Click more information to download the flyer and registration form.

2012 Annual Parish Meeting Reports - 01/20/13

Reports from the 2012 Annual Parish Meeting are now available for public viewing.  To open or download a copy electronically, select one of the following links.

Click:  Parishioner Feedback Survey Report
Click:  Pastor's Report
Click:  Website Report
Click:  Sunday School Report
Click:  Fall Harvest Festival Report

Adult Education: The Life of St. Alexis Toth - 01/13/13

On Sunday, January 13th, Reader Stephen Bradford delivered an inspiring and informative presentation on the life of Saint Alexis Toth.

Click link for:  Historical Outline

Thank You Angie - 01/01/13

Holy Trinity thanks Mrs. Angie Bull for her dedication to nurturing and teaching our children.  Her contribution to establishing and maintaining Sunday School for many, many years has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.

Operation Santa - 12/23/12

Parishioners from Holy Trinity Orthodox Church delivered gifts and gift certificates to a Willimantic family in-need, in cooperation with the Windham Area Interfaith Ministry's "Adopt a Family" Program, which provides families in crisis an opportunity to joyfully celebrate the holidays through the love of a neighbor.  Special thanks to Dot and Nick Sinchuk who continue to lead this wonderful ministry of mercy.

Newtown Memorial - 12/21/12

At 9:30 AM on Friday 21, 2012, Reader Stephen Bradford paid tribute to the children and adults who were tragically taken from us one week earlier, by offering prayers and tolling the church bell twenty-six times.

Farewell Chris Adams - 12/02/12

The Holy Trinity community bid farewell this morning (December 9, 2012) to Chris Adams. Chris will be earning his MSc degree in Actuarial Science from the University of Connecticut in a few weeks. He had previously earned his undergraduate degree from UConn in May, 2011.

Happy Birthday Helen Sadow - 12/02/12

Our parish received another gift when Mrs Helen Sadow was able to be with us. Mrs Sadow celebrated her 92nd birthday. Flowers were presented to Helen by her son, Alfred, on behalf of Holy Trinity. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Helen and enjoyed a cake which was ordered in her honor.

Adult Education Continues - 11/11/12

Mr. Eddie Ryan, a graduate school student at the University of Connecticut, made a presentation on the Apostle Philip on November 11, 2012.

Sol's Turkana Mission Presentation - 11/01/12

UConn student and Holy Trinity member Solomon Yniguez presented the story of his mission to Turkana, Africa during the summer of 2012.

Congratulations Michael Dolan - 10/07/12

University of Connecticut freshman Michael Dolan, from Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Willimantic, received a $1,000 scholarship from the Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut (FORCC).

Parish Picnic - 09/09/12

Members of Holy Trinity bid farewell to summer as together they enjoyed a beautiful, brisk New England day at Patriot's Park on Coventry Lake.

Welcome Back College Students - 09/02/12

Holy Trinity held its annual Welcome Back College Student Sunday this morning. What started as an effort to establish a deeper bond between the University of Connecticut Orthodox Christian Fellowship to Holy Trinity back in 2005, has continued to grow over the past seven years.

Summer Clean-up - 08/05/12

Members of Holy Trinity joined together for a summer outside clean-up.  Bushes, hedges and trees were trimmed all around the church perimeter, the grounds were raked and the front beds were edged.  

The Holy Kardiotissa

Many members of the Holy Trinity made the short pilgrimage to St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in New Britain, CT, this past weekend (September 6-7, 2024) to be in the presence of the Holy Kardiotissa (The Tender Heart) myrrh-flowing, miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary.

Welcome Deacon Timothy Skuby

On Sunday August 18, the Holy Trinity community welcomed Father Deacon Timothy and Matushka Maureen Skuby to serve Obednitsa (Typika) while Fr Marc is away on vacation.

Memorial Day Tradition

Each and every Memorial Day, our nation’s flag at our church cemetery is placed and raised to half-staff at dawn, then raised to full-staff by a Military Honor Guard

Information Regarding COVID-19 - Official Statement and Resources

On Tuesday, March 17, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon released on official statement concerning the COVID-19 outbreak.  Please click on more information to read the statement as well as other resources.  Additionally click:  HTOC Resources for news and information concerning Holy Trinity Church.

Visit Our Testimonials Page

Are you looking for a closer relationship with Our Lord?  Are you searching for a place to worship?  Have you ever thought about visting an Orthodox church?

Please visit our testimonials page to get a glimpse inside the Holy Trinity community, and maybe you'll find the reason you've been searching for.  Stop by and visit!

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