An Invitation to Join Us
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church has continued in its mission to be a light of Jesus Christ to those in eastern Connecticut for over 100 years. While Holy Trinity was built by immigrant forefathers from Europe, the present day Holy Trinity community is comprised of young families with small children. For the past two decades we have received unwavering support from the college students who comprise the Orthodox Christian Fellowship at the University of Connecticut. Our Saint Olympia Handmaiden Ministry continues to flourish as five young girls serve alongside the traditional male altar server. Holy Trinity is a small parish, but being small has great benefits. Parishioners feel important, needed, and are nourished in this type of environment, where Father Marc is able to spend individual time with each person. We are comfortable being who we are, and understand that being a smaller community has significant advantages. An iconostasis done in the traditional Byzantine style with gold leaf is stunning. The beautiful lime wood hand-carved Royal Doors (“Beautiful Gate”) done in Sofia, Bulgaria, serves as an invitation to enter into the Kingdom of God, and eight full length icons done on canvas of early church fathers & mothers, adorn the east and west walls. With a choir that sings in English, it is easy to lay aside all earthly cares when one enters into prayer at Holy Trinity. We extend a warm invitation to worship with us for Divine Liturgy each Sunday morning at 10:00, then join us for fellowship during Coffee Hour where light refreshments are served. All liturgical services are in English. ALL are welcome. ![]() News
The Holy Kardiotissa
Category: News Last updated: 2024-09-09 20:53:30 Many members of the Holy Trinity made the short pilgrimage to St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in New Britain, CT, this past weekend (September 6-7, 2024) to be in the presence of the Holy Kardiotissa (The Tender Heart) myrrh-flowing, miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary. 00001
Welcome Deacon Timothy Skuby
Category: News Last updated: 2024-08-18 15:04:19 On Sunday August 18, the Holy Trinity community welcomed Father Deacon Timothy and Matushka Maureen Skuby to serve Obednitsa (Typika) while Fr Marc is away on vacation. 00002
Memorial Day Tradition
Category: News Last updated: 2024-06-26 10:06:32 Each and every Memorial Day, our nation’s flag at our church cemetery is placed and raised to half-staff at dawn, then raised to full-staff by a Military Honor Guard 00003
Visit Our Testimonials Page
Category: News Last updated: 2023-09-30 11:49:19 Are you looking for a closer relationship with Our Lord? Are you searching for a place to worship? Have you ever thought about visting an Orthodox church? Please visit our testimonials page to get a glimpse inside the Holy Trinity community, and maybe you'll find the reason you've been searching for. Stop by and visit! ![]()