Nearly the entire Holy Trinity Church community came together for a summer picnic on the church grounds today (July 12) after Divine Liturgy. Although we pitched the idea of a picnic so our many young children could enjoy games and friendship, the truth of the matter was everyone at Holy Trinity was in need of an emotional lift of sorts. We had recently suffered through the death of two of our most beloved parishioners - +Joe Hutnik on May, 24, 2015, and less than four weeks later, +Nicholas Kornilieff on June 18. Today provided an opportunity for all us to smile and be joyful once again. Certainly, the picnic had achieve its desired purpose.
A special thanks to Brittney Vincent who coordinated games and activities for the children, to Martha & Kevin Vincent who provided all the hamburgers, hot dogs, and buns, and to Greg Zlotnick who brought his grill and did the cooking.
A good time was had by all.