The Holy Trinity Annual Assembly took place after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 29, 2017.
The Parish Council was open and honest, and communicated effectively. Transparency is important to the Council and the community. The Assembly was chaired by Council President Mr Timothy Fetzko. Treasurer Mr Frank Kaputa presented a detailed 2016 Financial Report and a look ahead at 2017. The entire existing Council was voted in again, with Mr Gregory Zlotnick assuming Council Vice-President duties, and Mrs Barbara Lacey continuing on as Recording Secretary.
Many parishioners stayed for the Annual Assembly and offered many suggestions on to remain a healthy and God-loving community, and to continue to build its core constituency.
The next quarterly meeting was scheduled for April 30, 2017.
Click Annual Pastor's Report to download a copy.
Click Meeting Minutes to download a copy from the 2016 Annual Meeting.