Last Sunday’s (Dec. 8) Saint Nicholas Day Celebration was memorable: from a full church, including 17 children, all but one under age 10, a beautifully sung Liturgy, a wonderful Saint Nicholas Day observance, merrymaking until early in the afternoon, great food, and a conviviality that lifted every person’s spirits. After a lively and interactive 45 minutes of music from John Banker, Father Marc spoke to the children about his illness and treatment in order to soften any concerns they may have had in hearing small pieces of second hand information; they appeared to be greatly comforted by this talk. Below are comments which were received throughout the week; a look back on what was a delightful day at HTOC. This type of coming together of our children for worship and activity, was only the first of what will be explored looking ahead. A special thanks also to lead elf Sue Dolan who was assisted by: Debbie Malachowsky, Diane K., Mary Ellen, Katrina, Kathy, and Barbara; together they made 79 scarves which will be distributed on Saturday (Dec. 21) when our church volunteers at the Soup Kitchen. Thanks to all, who is one way or another and whose name we may have missed, assisted out. - fmv
“Thank you for the wonderful experience the kids had on Sunday. They are still talking to each other about it, to me, and to David, about how much fun they had. They loved the performance.” - Mila Zadrozny
“The feeling of community and love was very apparent last Sunday. My special moments, looking at you watching John Banker play his music with a great grin on your face. Seeing Anna dance and sing with Sophia and Natalia. Having Alex ask me to dance and looking over and seeing Tim dancing with Anna. Johnny loving his new Captain America toy, and being so excited about Saint Nicholas leaving candy in shoes. Making scarves to help the homeless was a beautiful idea by Sue Dolan. Having Mila looking so healthy and at peace. The feeling of love and community that we make with our small parish cannot be measured. Thank you.” – Katrina Fetzko
“As always, it was a great joy to be with you this past Sunday, but especially on this festal celebration. To see the children’s joy, and so many of them, to hear your sentiments including those of your journey thru illness, reminds us of the closeness of family. For that is indeed, what you have at your parish. There is a blessing to that intimacy as it pertains to spiritual growth. We can often default into secular thought that Church is a once per week Sunday activity. But when you have a parish like yours - one knows that is simply not true, for the church is that extension of family that we are blessed to travel our earthly pilgrimage with. As we approach the Nativity, may we remind ourselves of this treasure from Our Lord. May you all continue to grow and thrive as a parish family as God so wills, encouraging and inspiring others.” –Matushka Sharon Rubis & Family
“I continue to marvel at the resiliency of this little church. It was refreshing to be here for Divine Liturgy and the Christmas celebration after experiencing so many challenges this year. It was great to feel joy and enthusiasm coming through our children, wonderful to be visited by Fr Gregory and his family, and entertained by Mr. Banker. God has richly blessed us and I’m thankful for his grace.” – Timothy Fetzko
“First Christmas party of the 2019 season. And it certainly lived up to expectations. As Jim noted, it was both noisy and cheerful. Animated conversation among the adults, and lively rough and tumble among the children contributed to a delightful sense of community. Virginia, a friend visiting from another church, similarly observed that the children were as exuberant as if they were playing in their own homes. She could see no unnecessary stiff formality on display by anyone. Christmas music played by John Banker on his keyboard added to the warmth and merriment of the holiday spirit. A new memory of Holy Trinity had been created and will be cherished by the young for years to come.” – Barbara Lacey
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