HTOC - Parish Meeting Notes
October 20, 2019
Fr Marc Treatment and Recovery Period
Topics for Discussion and Decision
Weekly Worship
Beginning Sunday, November 3rd the start of Divine Liturgy will be delayed by ½ hour, to 10:00AM. The website calendar has been updated to reflect the new start time. This change will be in effect until further notice. The parish community will revisit start time after completion of Fr Marc’s treatment regimen.
Pre-Liturgy Extra Assistance
To coincide with the November 3 schedule change, additional assistance will be needed to prepare for Divine Liturgy. Volunteers are asked to arrive at church between 9:00-9:15AM. Tasks will depend upon what is needed on that particular Sunday but could include light clean-up, helping with vestments, replacing candles, etc. Perhaps a rotating schedule can be produced. Tim has agreed to assist on 11/3.
During Liturgy - same as current
No change
Post Liturgy - Cleaning, straightening, assistance removing vestments
Typical duties as listed above. In particular ensure that on a weekly basis, trash and recycling are removed from downstairs after coffee hour. This is important to discourage mice from entering the kitchen area, especially during the upcoming colder months. Those able to lend a hand, are asked to do so.
Addendum A: Lodging
It’s possible that Fr Marc may benefit from staying with a parishioner on Saturday evening so as to make the Sunday morning commute easier. Additionally it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Fr Marc may become fatigued after Divine Liturgy and need a place to rest for a few hours before driving home. If this is the case, Fr Marc will work out specific arrangements with individuals able to help.
Addendum B: Food
Fr Marc may also benefit from pre-cooked meals, soups, which the parish community can provide. Prepared items can be stored in one of the refrigerators downstairs during Divine Liturgy and kept in a handle bag for easier transport. During the course of treatment Fr Marc’s sense of taste may become altered. He will inform the community if any such changes may impact his dietary needs/preferences.
In the event of cancellation, Fr Marc will inform the webmaster (Tim) as far in advance as possible. Webmaster will update the online calendar on the church’s website to read: Cancelled – No Divine Liturgy for that particular Sunday. It is possible that Fr Marc may decide late Saturday or early Sunday the he is not feeling well enough. Therefore, the parish community is instructed to check the church website each SUNDAY MORNING prior to making the journey to church.
Katrina has volunteered to send text messages to the few of our parish members who do not have internet/computer access.
Maintaining worship in the event of Fr Marc's absence
Reader's service - TBD
In the event of cancellation, Holy Trinity members are welcome to visit nearby orthodox churches. See partial list below.
Three Hierarchs Chapel
28 Dog Lane Storrs, CT 06268
The Orthodox Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
364 Canterbury Turnpike Norwich, CT 06360
All Saints Church
205 Scarborough St Hartford, CT 06105
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
305 Washington Street New Britain, CT 06050
You may also find a regional church by using the Orthodoxy in America website:
If you do intend to visit an area church, Fr Marc asks that you make a good faith attempt to contact the parish rector informing of your visit, and that you are a communicant in good standing at Holy Trinity Orthodox church.
Priests Compensation
Motion was raised, voted upon and accepted into record that Fr Marc’s compensation WILL NOT be reduced or otherwise negatively impact throughout the course of his medical treatment (beginning October 2019 and scheduled to conclude in February 2020).
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