Mrs Katrina Fetzko was received into the Orthodox Church Sunday morning, March 24, 2013, through the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation. Fittingly, Katrina's entry into the church occured on the First Sunday of Lent and the Triumph of Orthodoxy.
Katrina has been an active participant in the life of the Holy Trinity community for 20 months. She gives of herself without accepting anything in return. Everything she does is done so with considerable Chrisitian joy.
The day had a true festive feel to it. The choir sang beautifully and prayerfully. Katrina's sponsor was Protodeacon Paul Nimchek, long-time Treasurer of the Diocese of New England, the Orthodox Church in America. Prior to his retirement from the Hartford Insurance Company several years ago, Deacon Paul worked alongside Katrina. At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, Deacon Paul reflected upon his time working with Katrina. His thoughts brought a truly personal feel to Katrina's chrismation.
Katrina is married to Mr Timothy Fetzko; she is the mother to twin children, Anna Rose and Alexander Timothy, now 3 1/2 years old.