As we near the completion of the Paschal season, there is an interesting connection between today’s gospel reading – The Blind Man – and the first Sunday of Lent when Philip encourages Nathanael to “Come and see” (John 1:46). Sight and light are the predominant characteristics of these two readings. We know that spiritual blindness occurs when we are not willing to look beyond what are eyes can physically see. What we cannot see – the invisible - is something to be sought out as much as what we actually do see.
When we are blind, spiritually speaking, we stand outside the Kingdom of God, broken, polluted, and living in darkness. The only way to regain that sight and receive the illumination that only Christ can provide, is the same way all acts of healing occur: with a sincere and contrite act of repentance. “Come and see” Philip said. The same message is being said to each of us today.
--Fr Marc Vranes